Application processing times in the Danish Immigration Service
The Immigration Service has set goals for processing times for most case types.
Expected maximum processing times for most case types
The Immigration Service has maximum processing times for most case types.
However, in the area of visa (short term) and asylum other types of goals apply for the processing time. Read more below about the goals for the processing time in visa and asylum cases.
The maximum processing time is the maximum time that you under normal circumstances can expect that it will take before you receive a decision in your case.
The processing time is calculated from the date the application is submitted.
The maximum processing times can be expected to be met in 90 percent of the completed cases in a given case type. In a number of cases the processing time will be shorter than the maximum processing time and in special cases it will take longer time before you receive an decision in the case.
The processing time may e.g. be longer than the excepted maximum processing time if the Immigration Service needs further information in order to rule in the case.
In the event that the Immigration Service cannot comply with the case processing time, the Immigration Service will contact the applicant about this.
Processing times for visa cases
The maximum application processing times for visa cases are established by law and are specified in the pan-European set of rules called the Visa Code. The processing times are calculated from the date when the application is submitted at a diplomatic mission abroad and the diplomatic mission assesses that the application can be processed (is admissible), and registers the application in the visa system, regardless of any furthering to the Immigration Service for processing.
Average processing time for asylum cases
The Danish Immigration Service has an expected average processing time for asylum cases. The processing time is calculated from the point in time the application is submitted to the time the Immigration Service closes the case.
It is an expected average processing time, which means that practically most cases take either shorter or longer time.
Overview of processing times
The expected maximum processing time for applications for residence permit on the grounds of family reunification is:
7 months
Visa applications
For applications submitted at a Danish diplomatic mission (embassy or consulate general) or at another Schengen country’s diplomatic mission that represents Denmark in visa issuing, the maximum processing time normally is:
15 days
In cases where the processing requires further enquiries, the maximum processing time is:
45 days
The case processing time is calculated from the day when the diplomatic mission assess that the application can be processed and they register the application in the visa system. It is not calculated from the time you apply online or submit the application at a VFS center.
Appeals about refused visa
For appeals about refused visa applications, the maximum processing time is normally:
12 months
Due to a large number of visa applications, the maximum processing time for appeals about refused visa applications is currently:
16 months
Extension of visa
For applications for extension of a visa, the maximum processing time is normally:
14 days
Due to a large number of visa applications, the expected maximum processing time for applications for extension of a visa is currently:
4 months
Prior approval of companies/organisations etc.
For applications for prior approval of companies/organisations etc., where the application is complete from the time of receipt, the maximum processing time is:
30 days
For applications for prior approval of companies/organisations etc., where there must be collected additional information, the maximum processing time is:
3 months
Read more about the application processing times for issuing a visa
In asylum cases the expected average processing time is:
8 months
It is an expected average processing time, which means that practically most cases take either shorter or longer time.
For applications for residence permit under the law on temporary residence permits for displaced persons from Ukraine the average maximum processing time is:
35 days
That the target is stated as average processing time means, that practically very few cases are finished after the exact number of days the target states. Most cases take either shorter or longer time.
The expected maximum processing time for applications for residence permit as a religious worker is:
6 months
The expected maximum processing time for applications for residence permit as a retired employee of an international organisation is:
7 months
The expected maximum processing time for applications for temporary extension of residence permit is:
6 months
The expected maximum processing time for applications for permanent residence permit is:
8 months
The expected maximum processing time for applications for Danish alien's passport or convention passport is:
3 months
In addition, you should expect a production time of approx. 7 days and a delivery time of approx. 14 days.
The expected maximum processing time for applications for extension of a Danish alien's passport or convention passport is:
5 months
In addition, you should expect a delivery time of approx. 14 days.
If you, simultaneously with an application for a passport, or extension of a passport, are applying for extension of a residency permit, or a permanent residence permit, the processing of the passport application will only be dealt with once a decision about the extension of the residence permit or the permanent residence permit has been made. This is due to the fact that it is a requirement that you have a valid residence permit in order to be issued a passport as a foreign national. In this case the expected maximum processing time for the passport application is calculated starting from the date you have been granted an extension of your residence permit or a permanent residence permit.
The expected maximum processing time for applications for replacement residence cards and residence cards for children is:
3 months
The expected maximum processing time for applications for change of personal data is:
6 months
The expected maximum processing time for applications for a residence permit not to be considered as lapsed before departure in the area of family reunification is:
4 months
The expected maximum processing time for applications for a residence permit not to be considered as lapsed after departure in the area of family reunification is:
6 months
The expected maximum processing time for applications for work and residence permit under the Association Agreement with Türkiye is:
7 months
Personal service
The maximum waiting time for personal service in The Immigration Service’ Citizen Service:
All weekdays the next available time must be within 3 weeks
The goal for the maximum waiting time when making an appointment for personal service in the Citizen Service must be met in at least 90 percent of enquiries.
The expected maximum processing time for returned cases in the area of family reunification is:
4 months
The expected maximum processing time for cases about revocation in the area of family reunification is:
10 months
The same maximum processing time applies to family reunification cases in Greenland as applies to other residence permits in the area of family reunification.
In the Faroe Islands, the same maximum processing time applies to family reunification cases as applies to other residence permits in the family reunification area if you have submitted your application before 1 September 2024. If you have submitted an application from 1 September 2024, the Faroese authorities (Útlendingastovan) process your application. Read more on Útlendingastovan's website
In addition, the expected average processing time for asylum cases in Greenland and the Faroe Islands is the same as for other asylum cases. We refers to the section about asylum.