Normal processing time
3 months

Processing fee
No fee

Who can be issued a document as a cross-border worker based on the Withdrawal Agreement?

If you are a UK citizen and work in Denmark as a cross-border worker before end of the transition period on 31 December 2020 and if you wish to continue to work in Denmark after this date, you are covered by the Withdrawal Agreement.

You therefore need a document as cross-border worker which confirms your right to work in Denmark.

A cross-border worker is a person working in Denmark, but who does not live in Denmark.

Both cross-border workers who are employed and self-employed (running their own businee) are covered.

The exact definition of work follows the European Court of Justice’s definition of the term “worker”.

What are the conditions for receiving a document as a cross-border worker?

In order to be granted a cross-border worker document you must meet the following conditions:

You do not live in Denmark.

You began working as a cross-border worker in Denmark no later than 31 December 2020.

You must be employed by a Danish employer registered in Denmark, or you are self-employed running your own business and your company is established and registered in Denmark.

You can only be issued a cross-border worker document under the Withdrawal Agreement if you are a UK citizen and have begun working as a cross-border worker in Denmark on later than 31 December 2020 under the EU regulations on free movement.

This entails that you must be employed by a Danish employer under terms of employment and salary that correspond to Danish standards. The company you are employed by must be an independent legal entity registered in the Danish business register (CVR).

If you are employed by a British company and your work is temporarily being done in Denmark, you cannot be issued a cross-border worker document.

In order to be covered by the Withdrawal Agreement as a self-employed person, it is a requirement that you run your own business in Denmark.

The company must be established and registered in Denmark no later than 31 December 2020.

The company’s activities must be genuine and real.

What are my rights, if I am granted a document as a cross-border worker?

You will be issued a cross-border worker document confirming your right to work in Denmark and a cross-border worker card valid for 5 years.

As a cross-border worker you also have other rights, such as the right to change your job and apply for new jobs etc.

What happens if I no longer have paid work?

If you have been working or been self-employed as a cross-border worker in Denmark, but now no longer have paid work or run your own business, you can continue to be considered a cross-border worker in the following situations:

You are temporarily unable to work due to illness or an accident.

You have been working for more than 1 year, are now unemployed due to no fault of your own, and have registred with the job center within the alotted time.

You have been working for less than 1 year, are now unemployed due to no fault of your own, and have registred with the job center within the alotted time. You will then keep you rights as a cross-border worker for 6 months.

If you start a vocational educational programme or if your vocational education is related to your previous job you can keep your rights as a cross-border worker for 6 months.

Can I begin to work as a cross-border worker in Denmark after the 31 December 2020?

If you begin to work as a cross-border worker in Denmark after the 31 December 2020, you are not covered by the Withdrawal Agreement.

You must therefore apply for a work permit in Denmark according to the Danish rules for third-country citizens. This means that you must apply according to one of SIRIs work schemes, such as the positive lists, the pay limit scheme etc.

Read more about SIRIs work schemes here

What if I have dual citizenship?

If besides being a UK citizen, you are also a Danish citizen, you do not need to apply for a new residence document, as your right to reside in Denmark is guaranteed through your Danish citizenship.

If besides being a UK citizen, you are also a citizen of an EU country, you do not need to apply for a new residence document either, as you have a right to reside in Denmark under the EU regulations. However, you should make sure that you have an EU residence document which proves your right to residence as an EU citizen.

You have a right, but no obligation to apply for a new residence document for British citizens.

What more do I need to know before I apply?

An application for a cross-border worker document based on the Withdrawal Agreement between the EU and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland should be submitted to the Danish agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI).

Before you submit an application you must have your relevant documents ready in a digital format.

You can see which document you must have ready on the tab “How to Apply” on the right. Here you will also find the application form which you need to complete (BR1).

SIRI will contact you or your employer if we need further information to process your case.

It is important that you remember to print the receipt shown on the last page after you have submitted the application form, since this receipt can be used to document your rights when you need to cross the Danish border.

Since you do not live in Denmark, you can consider to give your employer power of attorney, so that SIRI can send our answer and your document as a cross-border worker to your employer.

You can download a power of attorney form here

Below you will find a step-by-step guide to submitting an application to the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI).

It is a good idea to gather the necessary documents before you start to complete the application form.

You can use the check list below.

You can submit

Expect to use

10-15 minutes

to complete the application

1 person

You complete the appication form yourself

In this step you have access to the relevant application form BR1.

The application form contains instructions for how to complete it and what kind of documents you must submit along with the form.


Online form BR1


You can read more about how we process your personal data here

When you apply for a new residence document, you must have your biometric features recorded. This means that you must have a facial photo taken and your fingerprints recorded. The facial photo and your fingerprints will be stored on a microchip embedded in the residence card, which will be issued to you, if you are granted a new residence document.

You must have your biometric features recorded no later than 2 weeks after submitting your application

Your biometric features can be recorded in one of SIRI's branch offices in Denmark.

You can find information on SIRI's branch offices here

Remember you must always book an appointment before appearing in one of SIRI's branch offices.

You can book an appointment here

If you are currently residing abroad, you can have your biometric features recorded at a Danish diplomatic mission or visa application center instead.

See the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ list of diplomatic missions or application centres where you can have your biometric features recorded (opens in a new window)

You have submitted your application succesfully if you have:

  • submitted the application

  • had your biometric features recorded

You can see the normal case processing time to the right on this page. When we make a decision in your case, you will receive an answer.

SIRI will contact you or your employer if we need further information to process your case.

Your residence card will automatically be sent to the address that has been registered under your name in the Civil Registration System (CPR). It is important that your name is written on your mailbox. If your name is not written on your mailbox, there is a chance that the residence card will not be delivered to you, and that it will be sent back to SIRI instead.


Responsible agency

Contact SIRI