The expected maximum processing time is
6 months

The fee is
DKK 1,905,-

Who can be granted an extension of their residence permit?

You can have your temporary residence permit in Denmark extended, when you as a foreigner have been granted a residence permit after retiring from a position in Denmark with international organisation or the like.

You need to meet a number of requirements in order to get your residence permit extended. Read more below.


What are the requirements?

You need to meet certain continuous requirements in order to qualify for an extension of your residence permit as a retired employee of an international organisation. 

These are requirements that you needed to meet when you were granted your residence permit, and which you still need to meet when you apply for an extension.


You may not have received public financial benefits since you were granted your current residence permit, and you may still not receive them.

Public financial benefits include among other things: 

  • old age pension,
  • early aged pension,
  • early retirement pension (efterløn),
  • benefits paid during periods of illness (sygedagpenge) or paternity leave (barselsdagpenge),
  • child assistance (børnetilskud) and
  • housing assistance (boligstøtte).

You cannot be granted an exemption from the requirement about not receiving public financial benefits.


You may not have worked since you were granted your current residence permit, and you may still not work. You may only have performed work that is unpaid and voluntary.

If you have performed paid work since you were grandted a residence permit, your residence permit can be revoked Hvis du har arbejdet efter, at du har fået opholdstilladelse, kan din opholdstilladelse blive inddraget.

You cannot be granted an exemption from the requirement about not holding employment.


 You must be a Danish resident. You cannot be granted an exemption from this requirement.

When do you need to apply for an extension?

It is very important to submit your application for an extension of residence permit before your current residence permit expires. You may not submit your application more than three months before your residence permit is due to expire.

If you submit your application in time, you may remain in Denmark legally while your application is being reviewed.

If you do not apply in time

If you do not submit your application in time, it will likely be rejected on the grounds that you would be in Denmark illegally. The application will be rejected regardless of how briefly you are in Denmark illegally.

If your application for an extension is rejected because you missed the deadline, you will need to leave Denmark and apply for a new residence permit in your home country. Your application will be considered a new application for a residence permit, and will be reviewed based on the current rules for first-time applicants. These rules may not be the same as the ones you had to meet when you were granted your residence permit.

If you are staying in Denmark illegally, you risk being punished for illegal residence. You also risk being deported and banned from entering Denmark or any other EU or Schengen country for two years.

If Denmark’s international obligations demand it, an application is allowed to be submitted even though it is submitted to late. This means that you have a legal residence while we process your application for extension. However you can risk being punished for illegal residence in the period from your residence permit expired and until you submitted your application for extension.

How long can your residence permit be extended?

After 2 years, your residence permit can be extended by 3 years at a time.

Your residence permit can however only be extended up to three months prior to your passport’s expiry date. In other words, if your passport expires in 12 months, your residence permit can be extended for only 9 months.

National passports are renewed by the embassy or consulate of the country that issued them. Convention and alien’s passports are renewed by the Immigration Service.

The Immigration Service does not extend temporary residence permits for less than 6 months.


You will need to include various forms of documentation when submitting your application. It is a good idea to gather the documentation before you start. Your application can be rejected if you do not submit all required documentation.

You may need:

Set aside

15 to 20 minutes

to fill in the application form

1 person

You, who is applying for extension, need to fill in the application form

The application form includes detailed instructions for how to fill it in and which types of documentation you need to enclose.

You can fill in the application form in Word format on your computer before printing it out. The application form is also available as a PDF file that can be printed out and filled in by hand.

Download form IP3 for print:

When you submit an application to the Immigration Service, we will process your personal information. You can read more about your rights and how we process your information in the application form or on this page: Personal data – How we process your data


You can submit your application to the Immigration Service's Citizen Service. You must book an appointment before you show up at the Citizen Service. Read more about where the Immigration Service’s Citizen Service has branch offices and how you book an appointment

When you submit your application, you will normally need to provide us with your fingerprints and a picture of your face (biometric features) within 4 weeks. Your biometric features are required in order for you to get a new residence card.

You can have your biometric features recorded at the Immigration Service’s Citizen Service. You must book an appointment before you show up at the Citizen Service. Read more about where the Immigration Service’s Citizen Service has branch offices and how you book an appointment

Read more about residence cards with fingerprints and facial pictures

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