What are the requirements?

You need to have held a residence permit in Denmark for at least 5 years and in the entire period you must have held a residence permit as a retired employee of an international organization (the Aliens Act section 9 q).

You may not have been convicted of certain crimes.

If you were sentenced to less than six months’ incarceration, or if the sentence was suspended, you will be temporarily ineligible for a permanent residence permit.

If you were sentenced to more than six months’ incarceration, you are permanently ineligible for a permanent residence permit.

You can see an overview of certain types of sentences and how they affect your eligibility for permanent residence under the ordinary requirements for permanent residence, where the same requirement about not having been convicted of certain crimes apply. Read more about the ordinary requirements for permanent residence


You may not have any overdue public debts. A debt is considered overdue if the public is entitled to payment of the debt, or if the amount due has not been repaid by the due date.

The following types of debt are those that are considered public debt. If you have overdue payments for any of the types of debt below, you cannot qualify for a permanent residence permit (conclusive list):

  • Social Service Act or Active Social Policy Act benefits that you are required by law to repay (such as overpaid social benefits)
  • Child support paid in advance
  • Day-care payment
  • Overpaid housing benefits
  • Housing-subsidy loan
  • Taxes and levies, unless the amount in arrears is due to circumstances beyond your control

Other debts, such as student loans, bank loans or loans from a building society are not considered public debts and will not disqualify you from being granted a permanent residence permit.

Read more about the ordinary requirements for permanent residence where the same requirement about no public debt applies


You need to pass the Danish language test 2 (Prøve i Dansk 2), or a Danish exam of an equivalent or higher level.

Read more about the ordinary requirements for permanent residence where the same requirement about Danish language test applies


You must have passed an active citizen exam or having displayed active citizenship in Denmark for at least a year by doing things like serving on a board or being a member of an association.

Read more about the ordinary requirements for permanent residence where the same requirement applies as a supplementary requirement


You may not have received public financial benefits within the last 5 years of applying for a permanent residence permit. Nor may you receive them until the time when the permanent residence permit is granted.

Public financial benefits include among other things: 

  • old age pension,
  • early aged pension,
  • early retirement pension (efterløn),
  • benefits paid during periods of illness (sygedagpenge) or paternity leave (barselsdagpenge),
  • child assistance (børnetilskud), and
  • housing assistance (boligstøtte).


How do you apply?

More information about how to apply for permanent residence permit as a retired employee of an international organisation will be available at newtodenmark.dk in the long term.