Apply for residence permit as accompanying family of a retired employee of an international organisation
You want to apply for a residence permit as the spouse, cohabiting partner or child of a foreign national who has retired from a position in Denmark with an international organisation or the like.
The expected maximum processing time is
7 months
The fee is
DKK 3,495,-
You will need to include various forms of documentation when submitting your application. It is a good idea to gather the documentation before you start.
You may need:
Set aside
20 to 30 minutes
to fill in the application form.
1 person
You, who are applying for a residence permit, need to fill in the application form.
The application form includes detailed instructions for how to fill it in and which types of documentation you need to enclose.
You can read more about how we process your personal data here.
You can fill in the application form in Word format on your computer before printing it out. The application form is also available as a PDF file that can be printed out and filled in by hand.
Download form IP2 for print:
Your application can normally only be submitted in Denmark, if you hold a residence permit issued by the Danish Foreign Ministry under the terms of Aliens Act section 47 (1) (ii). For this reason, you normally need to apply before your current residence permit expires.
You can submit your application to the Immigration Service's Citizen Service. You must book an appointment before you show up at the Citizen Service. Read more about where the Immigration Service’s Citizen Service has branch offices and how you book an appointment
You can also send your application to the Immigration Service.
Your application can be rejected if it is obvious that you do not meet the requirements.
When you submit your application, you will normally need to provide us with your fingerprints and a picture of your face (biometric features) within 4 weeks. Your biometric features are required in order for you to get a new residence card.
You can have your biometric features recorded at the Immigration Service’s Citizen Service. You must book an appointment before you show up at the Citizen Service. Read more about where the Immigration Service’s Citizen Service has branch offices and how you book an appointment
Read more about residence cards with fingerprints and facial pictures