As a student at a higher educational programme you receive, in addition to your residence permit, a work permit that allows you to work for 90 hours per month and full time through June, July, and August.

The limited work permit is also valid during the 6 month or 3 year job seeking period granted to you, after you have completed your studies. 

Your residence card will state if you have the right to work, and if so, to what extent.

Illegal work

If you work illegally, e.g. work more than the number of hours that you are allowed to, SIRI may revoke your residence permit or refuse to extend it. This also applies, if you continue to meet the conditions for your residence permit, e.g. that you are studying actively.

Depending on the extent of the illegal work, SIRI can either revoke your residence permit or give you a warning. The warning will be in effect for 2 years. The period starts the day we issue the warning. If you continue to work illegally during the warning period SIRI may revoke your residence permit.

If you work illegally in Denmark you also risk deportation, and both you and your employer may be punished by fine or prison.