The person you hand power of attorney will be your representative.

Your representative takes over all your rights and obligations in the case. Among other things this means that the representative can submit and withdraw your application. We can however demand your personal participation whenever it is necessary to process your application, e.g. when you need to have your biometrics recorded.

As a rule all letters will be sent to your representative only.

You can withdraw the power of attorney at any time.

Open the power of attorney form

Most of the information we have is confidential. We cannot release this information to people who are not involved in the case. This is because of our duty of confidentiality.

If you call us in the capacity of host family, employer, educational institution or place of internship, we might ask you a verification question to determine whether you may receive information.

You need a power of attorney from the au pair, employee, student or intern, before we can provide you with information regarding the case. We can provide you with information in certain cases, e.g. if we have requested information from you regarding the case.

If you call SIRI with the applicant, it is possible for the applicant to give a power of attorney by phone.

Read more about the guidance you can expect to receive when you call SIRI