The job change rule applies if you have a residence and work permit according to

  • the Fast-track Scheme (but not between two first-time short-term stays)

  • the Positive List for People with a Higher Education

  • the Positive List for Skilled Work

  • the Pay Limit Scheme

  • the Supplementary Pay Limit Scheme

  • the Start-Up Denmark Scheme

  • the Establishment Card Scheme

  • the Authorisation Scheme

or if you have been granted a residence and work permit

  • as a researcher or a guest researcher

  • as a PhD

  • as a trainee

  • as a herdsman or a farm manager

  • based on your special individual qualifications

  • to work on a drilling rig or other mobile workplaces

  • based on employment at the research center European Spallation Source (ESS) in Sweden.

If you find a new job encompassed by one of the abovementioned categories or you get employed as a PhD, you can begin your new job once you have submitted the application for a residence and work permit based on the new job.

If you continue in your current job which forms the grounds for your residence and work permit, but want to change your grounds for residence, e.g. from the Pay Limit Scheme to the Fast Track Scheme, you can continue to work in your current job after you have submitted an application for a new residence and work permit. 

The application must be submitted before your current residence and work permit expires. If your current permit expires before you have received a decision on your application to change your grounds of residence, you can continue working in your current position while you wait to hear from SIRI. 

If you have been granted a job seeking permit because you have lost your previous residence and work permit through no fault of your own and thus have applied for a new residence and work permit, you are allowed to begin working while SIRI is processing your application.

In order to qualify for working while SIRI is processing your application, you are conditioned to apply for a new residence and work permit no later than the day you want to start working at your new job.

Read more about the job seeking permit for employees

If you are granted a residence permit to complete a PhD, a higher education or an education on the basis of educational attachment in Denmark, you will at the same time get an additional 6 months or 3 years residence permit to look for a job in Denmark after the completion of your studies (job seeking permit).

You can also apply for a job seeking permit if you have not been granted the additional 6 months or 3 years residence permit to look for a job in Denmark after the completion of your studies.

The 6 months or 3 years job seeking residence gives you the same right to work as the limited work permit you got together with your residence permit to study. Thus, in your job seeking period you can work up to 90 hours monthly and full time in June, July and August.

Read more about job seeking permit for students

Read more about work permit without limitations during the 3 year job seeking period

If you are a foreign graduate who has been offered a job in Denmark and has applied for a residence and work permit, you can stay in Denmark and begin working while SIRI processes the application.

In order to qualify for a quick jobstart, you are conditioned to hold a valid residence permit as a student and have completed a higher educational programme (Masters level) at a Danish university. Furthermore, you are conditioned to have applied for a residence and work permit under one of the following schemes:

  • The Positive List for People with a Higher Education

  • The Positive List for Skilled Work

  • The Pay Limit scheme

  • Researchers

  • Special individual qualifications

  • Drillrigs and other mobile workplaces

  • Herdsmen and farm managers

  • The Fast-Track scheme

If you are granted a residence and work permit under the Authorisation Scheme, you are simultaneously granted 6 months to look for work in Denmark after you have obtained your authorisation (job seeking permit). If you are offered employment during your job seeking permit and you therefore apply for a new residence and work permit, you can start working while SIRI processes your application. 

In order to be allowed to start working while SIRI processes your application, it is a condition that you apply for a new residence and work permit no later than the day you want to start in the new job. 

Read more about job seeking permit after having obtained a Danish authorisation