Your residence permit can be revoked, if you do not meet the conditions, which your residence permit was granted on the basis of.

Your residence permit can also be revoked, if the basis on which your residence permit was granted, is no longer present.

A residence permit is granted on a specific basis and on a number of particular conditions. The basis and the particular conditions may differ from scheme to scheme.

A revocation depends on the specific basis and the conditions in effect for the residence permit in question. If the basis is no longer present or the conditions are not met, SIRI can revoke the permit.

You will recognize the basis as the type of residence permit you applied for, e.g. a study permit or the permit granted after the Pay-limit Scheme.

The conditions for your residence permit are stated in the letter you receive when granted a residence permit.

Here are some examples of when we can revoke a residence permit (the list is not exhaustive):

The basis of the residence permit The basis or conditions are not met if

Higher educational programmes

You are not actively studying in your programme

Au pair

You no longer live at the same address as your host family

Accompanying spouse

You are no longer married to the person on whom your permit was based

Folk high school You are not participating actively in the folk high school course

Intern or Positive List et al.

You change your job

Accompanying family member

You no longer live together with your sponsor, e.g. your spouse, partner or parent

The Pay Limit scheme

You earn less than the Pay Limit Scheme's minimum amount 


You receive public benefits which you are not allowed to receive with the residence permit you have