In most cases you must pay a fee in order to have an application for a residence permit processed by SIRI.

Read more about fees

Below you find guidance on when it is possible to have a fee refunded.

Please note that the guidance only concern fees paid to the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration for the processing of an application. It does not concern fees paid to The Danish Immigration Service or a payment you may have made to a Danish representation outside of Denmark for their assistance in connection with the submission of an application.

A fee can be refunded if:

  • you are not eligible for submitting the application

  • the international obligations of Demark or EU-regulation dictates an application to be submitted without fee

  • your application is rejected because you have not made full payment of the fee and the difference is more than DKK 225 (2023 level)

  • your application is rejected because you have not made full payment of the fee and the difference is less than DKK 225 (2023 level) but you have not paid the full fee within the given deadline.

If an application cannot be processed it will be rejected and part of the fee will be refund.

As a rule SIRI cannot process your application if:

  • you submit in Denmark at a point when your stay in Denmark is not legal.
  • you are obliged to provide biometric data for the application but refuse to do so.
  • the application must be submitted online and you do not oblige.

In these situations you will receive a refund less an amount of DKK 930 (2023 level).

Find further guidance on legal stay
Find further guidance on biometric features
Find further information on application forms and when to apply online

You cannot receive a refund of the fee paid if you renounce your application or the application for some reason or other no longer is relevant for you.

Nor can you receive a refund in case your application is refused.

Find further information on fees

In order to refund a fee, you must provide the following:

  • Case order ID
  • Full name and address of the person or company who made the payment.

Furthermore, you must provide a copy of your receipt stating that you have paid the fee

You can either provide a copy of the receipt you received when paying the fee, or a specifik bank statement where the payment is stated. If you provide a bank statement, the bank statement must carry the name of the account holder, otherwise the name of the account holder must be documented separately.

The fee will be refunded to the Dankort/credit card used for paying the fee. If you have paid with a Dankort/credit card and want the fee refunded to another account, we are only able to refund the fee after 365 days.

After 365 days, we can refund the fee to a Danish NEM account (NemKonto), a Danish bank account or a foreign bank account. Remember to state whether the account belongs to the applicant or another person/company. If the account belongs to another person/company, you must state the name of the other person/company.

Depending on your chosen refund method, you must also provide further information:

  • If you hold a Danish MitID and a Danish NemKonto, you must provide your CPR number. If the account belongs to a company, you must provide the company's CVR numer. Read more about Danish NemKonto at (opens in a new window)
  • If you want the fee to be refunded to a Danish bank account, you must provide the name of the bank as well as the registration number and account number for the bank account. 
  • If you want us to refund the fee to a foreign bank account, we recommend that you ask your bank which information is necessary in order to receive a transfer from Denmark. Generally, you must provide the following: 
    • Full name and address of the account holder
    • Name and address of the bank
    • IBAN or account number

Send the requested information via our contact form

To appeal the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integrations decisions regarding regarding refund of fee, you can submit the appeal to:

The Immigration Appeals Board
Adelgade 13
1304 Copenhagen K
Tel.: +45 61 98 38 00

If your appeal is to be reviewed by the Immigration Appeals Board, it must be submitted no later than eight weeks after you have received the decision not to refund a fee.