Published 12-06-2024

The labour dispute in the Faroe Islands has ended

Sunday 9 June 2024 at 6:30 p.m. Faroese time, the labour market parties in the Faroe Islands reached an agreement, marking the end of the strike. Below you can read what significance it has for the processing of cases regarding residence and work permits in the Faroe Islands.

Case processing time 

Due to the extent of the strike, SIRI's case processing times have been affected. Longer processing times are therefore to be expected for applications concerning residence and work permits.


If you have submitted an application for a residence and work permit in the Faroe Islands 

If you have submitted an application for a residence and work permit in the Faroe Islands before or during the strike, you do not need to do anything further. SIRI resumes case processing in accordance with the practice before the strike. 

If, before or during the strike, you have submitted an application for a residence and work permit in the Faroe Islands, pursuant to Section 3 of the Faroe Islands Act on foreigners' access to residence permits for the purposes of certain types of employment, and you have received a party hearing from SIRI regarding the strike, you can disregard this message from SIRI.

SIRI will take the period of the strike into account in applications for extensions of residence and work permits.

Responsible agency

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