Published 05-12-2022
SIRI has opened new branch offices in Exbjerg and Sønderborg on 1 December 2022
For foreign nationals who will be working or studying in South and Southwest Denmark the distance to the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI) is now shorter.
Due to the opening of SIRI Esbjerg and SIRI Sønderborg, international applicants can now submit an application for residence, have biometrics recorded or apply for a re-entry permit in the area.
SIRI’s new branch offices will be part of the local municipalities’ International Citizen Service (ICS). In the ICS SIRI and the local municipalities work together to service foreign employees and students. Amon other things, the local municipality can help with a CPR number and tax card.
In the ICS SIRI will receive all applications for residence documents for EU citizens and their family members. SIRI will also receive all applications form third country citizens (non-EU/EEA citizens) that are not submitted online.
Esbjerg and Sønderborg are two of seven places in Denmark where foreign employees and students can visit one of SIRI’s branch offices. An appointment must always be booked before meeting in one of SIRI’s branch offices.
Read more about booking and appointment and SIRI’s opening hours
Read more about International Citizen Service on (link opens in a new window)