Published 01-03-2022
Citizens of Chile kan now get access to submit an application for Working Holiday
On 1 March 2022 a new quota period for Working Holiday – Chile has begun. SIRI has therefore made it possible for citizens of Chile to get access to submit an application for Working Holiday.
For the period from 1 March until 31 August 2022 up to 75 residence permits can be granted to citizens of Chile after the Working Holiday scheme. Residence permits will be granted on a first come, first served principle.
It is a requirement that applications from citizens of Chile for a Working Holiday stay in Denmark must be submitted in person in Chile. This means that applications from citizens of Chile submitted online and applications submitted in any other country than Chile will be rejected. If the application is rejected, the case processing fee of DKK 1,890 (2022 level) will be refunded minus an administrative fee of DKK 905 (2022 level).
When the Quota of 75 residence permits is full, no further residence permits for Working Holiday for citizens of Chile will be issued until the 1 September 2022, when the next quota period begins.
When 75 Working holiday residence permits has been issued to citizens of Chile, any remaining application will be rejected and the processing fee for SIRI of DKK 1,890 (2022 level) will be refunded.