Published 14-09-2020

SIRI introduces stricter requirements on documentation for agricultural interns, herdsmen and farm managers

The Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI) now introduces stricter requirements on documentation for educational background for applicants for residence and work permits as agricultural interns, herdsmen and farm managers.

This means that in addition to documentation for passed subjects the applicant must submit additional documentation for the educational background when submitting an application for a residence and work permit as an agricultural intern, herdsman or farm manager.

Additional documentation could be the study record book, enrollment card, or similar.

The educational documentation must clearly state the date, the name of the educational institution, and the applicant’s name. This applies regardless of when the application was submitted.

A copy of the original educational documents along with a translation into Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, English or German must still be included in the application.

If you have an ongoing application for a residence and work permit as an agricultural intern, herdsman or farm manager you are encouraged to submit the additional documentation now.


In May of 2020 SIRI described how Ukrainian police were investigating fraud with certain Ukrainian educational documents.

Following this, SIRI introduced more severe scrutiny of applicants with documents from the educational institutions under investigation by Ukrainian police.

Ukrainian police have now ended their investigation.

Based on the more severe scrutiny SIRI has decided to increase demands generally on documentation issued in the Ukraine for agricultural interns and the like.

SIRI has informed SIRI’s contact body in the green sector where, among others, 3F, Landbrug & Fødevarer and GLS-A are represented.

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