Published 05-10-2023

Extension of residence permit under the Special Act for persons who have assisted Danish authorities etc. in Afghanistan

The Danish government has the 5 October 2023 presented a proposal for an Act to amend the Act on temporary residence permits for persons who in Afghanistan have assisted Danish authorities, etc. (hereinafter the Special Act).

The bill has not yet been passed. All information on about the Special Act is therefore a reproduction of the proposed rules. It appears from the bill that the Act is expected to come into effect on 27 November 2023.

If the proposal is passed, it means that the Special Act will be extended until 1 December 2025.

Persons who have a temporary residence permit under the Special Act already now have the opportunity to apply for an extension of their residence permit.

How do you apply for an extension of a residence permit under the Special Act?

At you can read more about how to apply for an extension of your current residence permit under the Special Act. Accompanying spouse and children can also apply for an extension.

You must submit your application for extension of residence permit according to the Special Act before your current residence permit expires.

Read more about the extension of a residence permit under the Special Act

Option to apply for another residence permit

If you get your residence permit extended under the Special Act, you will have the option (as you already have today) of applying for another residence permit under the rules of the Aliens Act, including asylum or under a business scheme, in period up to 1 December 2025. Read more about the different residence permits at

Read bill L 41 as presented in the Parliament (in Danish only) (pdf)

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