Published 19-06-2020 - Last updated: 22-06-2020
SIRI extends deadline for recording of biometric features until 31 August 2020
Due to the COVID-19 situation, in many places and in a number of situations it is not possible to have your biometric features (fingerprints and facial photo) recorded, when you submit an application for a residence permit. The Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI) therefore extends the deadline for recording of biometric features until 31 August 2020. The extension applies to applications submitted from 15 February 2020.
In normal circumstances it is a requirement that you have your biometric features recorded no later than 14 days after submitting your application – failure to do this will result in your application being rejected.
Due to the extraordinary situation the deadline for having your biometric features recorded has been extended until 31 August 2020. The extension applies to applications submitted from 15 February 2020.
This means that you must have you biometric features recorded no later than on the 31 August 2020 if you submit or have submitted an application for a residence permit or for an extension of a residence permit. We will begin processing you application, but we are not able to reach a final decision until you have had your biometric features recorded.
Currently it is possible to have your biometric features recorded in all SIRIs branch offices and at the police.
You can book an appointment at SIRI here
Read more about the police's opening hours and on how and where to book an appointment (new window)