Published 19-09-2024

Survey shows great satisfaction with the Contact Person Arrangement for certified companies under the Fast-track Scheme

During spring of 2024, SIRI received feedback from no less than 315 users of the Contact Person Arrangement. The users found that the arrangement contained a high level of professional knowledge and correct answers to their questions – and the users even gave us great suggestions on how to improve the arrangement.

SIRI would like to thank all of the companies and relocation agencies that participated in the survey. Your participation and feedback is very valuable to us. 

Overall, the survey showed that there was a high level of satisfaction with the arrangement. In the text below you can see an overview of the adjustments that were made possible by the survey.


You now have the opportunity to receive a status update on your case

The voices of the business users were clear: You would like the opportunity to receive status updates on your cases on a regular basis. Therefore, SIRI has decided that it will now be possible to receive status updates on certain cases in the future.


We want to improve the professional guidance

Multiple companies wished for better ways to receive answers to professional questions within certain cases. SIRI is continuously working on improving our guidance concerning professional questions. We want to make the framework for the guidance on our website even clearer, as well as clarify the ways in which you can receive help. We are trying to convey to all of our users that they are always welcome to ask us questions about specific professional matters at any time.


Residence cards will remain as they currently are

A small number of companies explained that they would like to use the Contact Person Arrangement to ask questions about residence cards. We believe that it is more appropriate to continue to have questions concerning residence cards be directed towards the call center, or directed towards our contact form on This is due to the fact that the Contact Person Arrangement is aimed at professional questions concerning the arrangement and questions about specific cases.


We will evaluate the opening hours on a regular basis

The survey showed that the users would like an extension of the current opening hours, in terms of guidance concerning the Contact Person Arrangement. However, we have decided that the opening hours will remain as they currently are. This is due to the fact that we do not wish to risk that longer working hours may negatively impact our resources in terms of case processing. It is important to remember that it is always possible for you to send a written request to the contact person – this includes outside opening hours.

We will regularly evaluate whether we can extend the opening hours without it being at the expense of the efficiency of the case processing.


The call center provides guidance across different schemes

The users explained that they wanted to be able to ask the contact person questions about other schemes as well.  The contact person is solely specialized in the Fast-track Scheme. If you have questions about other schemes, you can contact our call center, which is made up of employees that are all experts in our other schemes. Please remember that we have a call-back system, which ensures that you will quickly receive a reply from us with answers to your questions.

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