Published 09-01-2025
The Danish Immigration Service warns against phone scams
The Danish Immigration Service has become aware of ongoing phone scams where individuals posing as representatives of The Danish Immigration Service attempt to obtain personal information from citizens.
Citizens have reported receiving calls from a phone number identical to the main number of the Danish Immigration Service. During these calls, the impersonators have stated:
"Your residence permit is about to expire, and you must provide your CPR number to avoid losing your residence permit."
These calls are not from The Danish Immigration Service and are a scam.
The Danish Immigration Service would never use such a method.
Tips to avoid falling victim to phone scams
- Be particularly cautious if someone calls you unexpectedly claiming to be from The Danish Immigration Service, especially if you have not previously contacted us or do not have a pending case with us.
- Do not trust the displayed phone number. Scammers can manipulate the number that appears on your phone.
- Be especially wary if someone asks you to provide personal information.
What to do if you have been a victim of phone scamming
If you have been a victim of a phone scam, call the police at 114. You can also visit the website to learn more about handling online scams, misuse of personal information, or image and video-based abuse (only in Danish):
Få hjælp, når skaden er sket (
Further information
Visit to learn how to identify scam phone calls (only in Danish):
Gode råd til, hvordan du spotter fupopkald fra svindlere (