DISCO code
The official classification of job titles in Denmark
DISCO-08 (DISCO) is the official Danish version of the international classification of job titles, International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08), which makes it possible to compare employees with the same job functions regardless of their official job title and educational background.
The job function is a description of the work that you are to carry out and to each job function corresponds a six-digit code (DISCO code). SIRI uses the six-digit DISCO code to assess whether your salary corresponds to Danish standards. Please note that it is your primary job functions, and not your job title, that determines which six-digit DISCO code your employer must state in the application.
DISCO is hierarchically structured in nine categories, which are:
1 Managers
2 Professionals
3 Technicians and Associate Professionals
4 Clerical Support Workers
5 Services and Sales Workers
6 Skilled Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Workers
7 Craft and Related Trades Workers
8 Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers
9 Elementary Occupations
When your employer chooses a six-digit DISCO code, it is the first digit of the code that indicates to which category the employment belongs.
If you, for example, are to be employed as an Account Manager, it is your primary job functions such as sales, accounting and marketing that determines the choice of DISCO code. It is typically your employer that knows the content of the employment offer and has the best insight when it comes to choosing the correct six-digit DISCO code. If SIRI assesses that the chosen DISCO code is not the most accurate, we will ask your employer to reconsider their choice of DISCO code. Should there still be doubt on the DISCO code, SIRI can ask the Regional Labour Market Councils (RBRs) to assess the DISCO code.
You can also search for specific DISCO codes on Statistics Denmark (new window - in Danish only).