Choose your type of enquiry

Your contact data

Do you have a Danish CPR-no. or CVR-no.?


Question or message

Attach files

Your contact data

Do you have a Danish CPR-no. or CVR-no.?


Question or message

Attach files

Your contact data

Do you have a Danish CPR-no. or CVR-no.?


Question or message

Attach files

Your contact data

Do you have a Danish CPR-no. or CVR-no.?


Question or message

Attach files

Processing your personal data


When you contact SIRI, we process your personal data in order to:

  • Respond to inquiries related to SIRI's jurisdiction.
  • Register and process inquiries regarding specific cases handled by SIRI.
  • Compile statistics to improve our case processing, websites and digital solutions in addition to other areas within the agency's jurisdiction.
  • Respond via Digital Post when possible. This is why, among other reasons, we ask for your CPR number.

Legal Basis

The legal basis for processing your personal data is:

  • Article 6.1 (c) and (e) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • Section 11(1) of the Danish Data Protection Act for use of your CPR number to identify you.

This is how we process your personal data