Annex to the Visa Code Handbook


Visa Code Handbook

The Commission Implementing Decision amending Commission Decision C(2010) 1620 final as regards the replacement of the Handbook for the processing of visa applications and the modification of issued visas (Visa Code Handbook I).

Annex to the Visa Code Handbook


Annex no.

Name of Annex


Annex 1

List of third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and of those whose nationals are exempt from that requirement


Annex 2

List of residence permits issued by Member States


Annex 3

List of school pupils travelling in the framework of a school excursion within the European Union


Annex 4

List of agreements on local border traffic and specimen of permits issued by Member States for that purpose


Annex 5

Information on national derogations from the visa requirement
Find annex 5 under Notifications - Information pursuant to Council Regulation (EC) No 539/2001 of 15 March 2001 - at the bottom of the following web page:

See users guide to annex 5

Information on national derogations from the visa requirements (28.04.14)

Certain civilian sea crew members - Danish update (14-05-2014) 

Annex 6

Guidelines on the movement of Turkish nationals across the external borders of EU Member States in order to provide services there


Annex 7a

Common list of third countries whose nationals are required to be in possession of an airport transit visa when passing through the international transit area of airports situated on the territory of the Member States


Annex 7b

List of third countries whose nationals are required to be in possession of an airport transit visa when passing through the international transit area of airports situated on the territory of one/some Member States


Annex 7c

List of residence permits entitling their holders to transit through the airports of member states without being required to hold an airport transit visa


Annex 8

Visa facilitation agreements and implementing Guidelines - Albania


Annex 8

Visa facilitation agreements and implementing Guidelines - Bosnia Herzegovina


Annex 8

Visa facilitation agreements and implementing Guidelines - Moldova


Annex 8

Visa facilitation agreements and implementing Guidelines - Russian Federation


Annex 8

Visa facilitation agreements and implementing Guidelines - Ukraine


Annex 9

Uniform application form


Annex 10

The former annex 10 has been replaced by the following four annexes:
Travel documents issued by third countries and territorial entities (Part I)
Published at the homepage of the European Commission. You will find the link in the info box to the right of this webpage:

Updates from MS (09-04-2014)

Updates from MS (27-06-2014)

Updates from MS (25-07-2014)

Updates from MS (07-10-2014)

Updates from MS (24-11-2014)

Updates from MS (19-02-2015)

Updates from MS (08-04-2015)

Updates from MS (04-06-2015)

Updates from MS (20-07-2016)

Updates from MS (27-07-2016)

Updates from MS (28-10-2016)

Updates from MS (19-12-2016)

Annex 10

Travel documents issued by Member States (Part II)
Bulgaria, Cyprus and Romania, see sheet (ark) IIB
United Kingdom and Ireland, see sheet (ark) IIC
Published at the homepage of the European Commission. You will find the link in the info box to the right of this webpage:

Updates from MS (09-04-2014)

Updates from MS (27-06-2014)

Updates from MS (25-07-2014)

Updates from MS (07-10-2014)

Updates from MS (24-11-2014)

Updates from MS (19-02-2015)

Updates from MS (08-04-2015)

Updates from MS (04-06-2015)

Updates from MS (20-07-2016)

Updates from MS (27-07-2016)

Updates from MS (28-10-2016)

Updates from MS (19-12-2016)

Annex 10

Travel documents issued by international organisations and other entities subject to international law (Part III)
Published at the homepage of the European Commission. You will find the link in the info box to the right of this webpage:


Annex 10

List of known fantasy and camouflage passports
Published at the homepage of the European Commission. You will find the link in the info box to the right of this webpage:


Annex 11

Information on the photographic specifications for the photograph to be submitted by applicants


Annex 12

Recommendation of the European Parliament and Council to facilitate the issue by the Member States of uniform short-stay visas for researchers from third countries travelling within the Community for the purpose of carrying out scientific research


Annex 13

Uniform format and use of the stamp indicating that a visa application is admissible


Annex 14

Non-exhaustive list of supporting documents


Annex 15

Specimen of Member States' forms providing proof of sponsorship and/or private accommodation


Czech Republic 




Annex 16

Third countries whose nationals or specific categories of such third country nationals who are subject to prior consultation (01.11.2020)


Annex 17

Third countries for whose nationals or specific categories of such third country nationals "ex post" information is required


Annex 18

Reference amounts required for the crossing of the external border fixed by national authorities


Annex 19

The visa sticker


Annex 20

Filling in the visa sticker

Former annex 20 containing information about the machine readable zone

Annex 21

Examples of filled in visa stickers


Annex 22

National entires in the "comments" section of the visa sticker


Annex 23

Affixing the visa sticker


Annex 24

Separate sheet for affixing the visa


Annex 25

Standard form for notifying and motivating refusal, annulment or revocation of a visa


Annex 26

Operational rules for issuing visas at the border to seamen in transit who are subject to visa requirements


Annex 27

List of Member States' authorities competent for extending visas


Annex 28

List of Member States' consular presence, representation arrangements and forms of cooperation for the collection of visaapplications, collection by Honorary Consuls or outsourcing of the collection of visa applications


Annex 29

Request for consent to extend the territorial validity of a LTV


Annex 30

Notification of the annulment of a visa issued by another member state


Annex 31

Notification of the revocation of a visa issued by another member state



Actions to be taken in VIS (annulment/revocation of a visa and invalidation of visa sticker)


Visa code handbook II

Handbook for the administrative management of visa processing and local Schengen cooperation (Visa Code Handbook II)

The Commission’s decision of 11 June.2010 on establishing the Handbook for the processing of visa applications and the modification of issued visas.


De nyeste bilag vil fremgå af den engelske oversigt ovenfor. Den nedenstående danske oversigt vil løbende blive opdateret når der offentliggøres officielle oversættelser af de engelske bilag. Hvis den nyeste opdatering af dokumentet kun er på engelsk, vil den forældede danske version blive fjernet for at undgå misforståelser. Det er derfor en god idé også at finde den engelske version af bilagene.


Kommissionens gennemførelsesafgørelse om ændring af afgørelse K(2010) 1620 endelig for så vidt angår af håndbogen om behandling af visumansøgninger og ændring af udstedte visa (visumhåndbog I). 

Bilag til visumhåndbogen

Bilag nr. 

Navn på bilag


Bilag 1

Liste over de tredjelande, hvis statsborgere skal være i besiddelse af visum ved passage af de ydre


Bilag 2

Liste over opholdstilladelser udstedt af medlemsstaterne


Bilag 3

Liste over deltagere i skolerejser inden for EU


Bilag 4

Liste over aftaler om lokal grænsetrafik og modeller til tilladelser udstedt af medlemsstaterne i den henseende


Bilag 5

Se engelsk udgave


Bilag 6

Retningslinjer for tyrkiske statsborgeres ret til at rejse inden for EU, efter at de har passeret de ydre grænser med henblik på at levere tjenesteydelser der (14.12.2012)


Bilag 7a

Fælles liste over de tredjelande, hvis statsborgere skal være i besiddelse af et lufthavnstransitvisum, når de passerer gennem internationale transitområder i lufthavne, der er beliggende på medlemsstaternes område


Bilag 7b

Se engelsk udgave


Bilag 7c

Liste over opholdstilladelser, der giver indehaverne ret til transit i medlemsstaternes lufthavne, uden at der stilles krav om, at de skal have lufthavnstransitvisum


Bilag 8

Se engelsk udgave


Bilag 9

Ensartet ansøgningsskema


Bilag 10

Se engelsk udgave


Bilag 11

Se engelsk udgave


Bilag 12

Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets henstilling om lettelse af medlemsstaternes udstedelse af ensartede visa til kortvarigt ophold til forskere fra tredjelande, som rejser inden for Fællesskabet med henblik på videnskabelig forskning


Bilag 13

Ensartet udformning og anvendelse af stempel som bevis for, at en visumansøgning er antagelig


Bilag 14

Ikke-udtømmende liste over dokumentation


Bilag 15

Se engelsk udgave


Bilag 16

Se engelsk udgave


Bilag 17

Se engelsk udgave


Bilag 18

De af de nationale myndigheder fastsatte referencebeløb, som en tredjelandsstatsborger mindst skal råde over ved passage af de ydre grænser


Bilag 19



Bilag 20

Udfyldning af visummærkaten

Tidligere bilag 20 med oplysning om det maskinlæsbare felt

Bilag 21

Eksempler på udfyldte visummærkater


Bilag 22

Nationale angivelser i den rubrik på visummærkaten, der er beregnet til bemærkninger


Bilag 23

Påføring af visummærkaten


Bilag 24

Se engelsk udgave


Bilag 25

Standardformular til underretning om og begrundelse for afslag på eller annullering eller inddragelse af visum


Bilag 26

Operationelle regler for udstedelse af visum ved grænsen til visumpligtige søfolk i transit


Bilag 27

Se engelsk udgave


Bilag 28

Se engelsk udgave


Bilag 29 

Se engelsk udgave


Bilag 30

Se engelsk udgave


Bilag 31

Se engelsk udgave



Handlinger, der skal foretages i VIS (annullering/inddragelse af et visum og annullering af en visummærkat) 



Visumhåndbogen II

Håndbog vedrørende den administrative forvaltning af visumbehandling og det lokale schengensamarbejde (Visumhåndbog II)

Kommissionens afgørelse af 11. juni 2010 vedrørende etableringen af visumhåndbogen for behandling af visumansøgninger og ændringer af udstedte visa.