When the student is listed on a school travel list and a photo of the student has been attached, the student does not need a visa, passport or other travel document; nor does he or she need a re-entry permit to participate in a school trip to an EU country or Schengen country.

The school travel list can only be used for travel in the EU member states and Schengen countries covered by the scheme, and only for transit or a short stay (maximum 30 days).

In addition to Denmark, the following countries are covered by the scheme:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lituania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden.

The following Schengen countries, which are not part of the EU, are also covered by the scheme: 

Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

After 1 October 2021, school travel lists cannot be used for travel to the UK.

The school travel list can be used by students from age 6 to approx. 22 in the ordinary Danish school system:

  • Primary schools (folkeskoler)
  • Private schools
  • Continuation school (efterskoler)
  • Youth schools (ungdomsskoler)
  • The preparatory basic education and training (FGU)
  • General upper secondary education (Gymnasieskoler)
  • General upper secondary education institutions, e.g. HF, HHX, HTX and EUX
  • Technical colleges
  • Vocational colleges.

Other schools will be evaluated on a case by case basis in order to decide whether the school travel list can be used in connection with a school trip. It is crucial whether the school primarily focuses on young people.

In addition to the condition that the school travel list must include a group of students from a school within the ordinary Danish school system, it is a condition that the group of students on the school travel list must be accompanied by a teacher from the school in question. On the school trip, the teacher must also bring documentation for the purpose and circumstances of the stay, i.e. an explanation of the purpose of the stay (tourism, exchange, teaching), mode of transport (train, bus, ship, plane), place and type of accommodation (camp school, hostel, hotel) and the total number of participating school pupils (both Danish and foreign).

It is recommended that the school contacts the appropriate flight or travel companies before departure to ensure that the flight or travel company accepts the school travel list as a valid travel document.

The original pre-printed school travel list can be obtained by contacting the Danish Immigration Service. You can write to us via our contact form, select the topic 'Passport (convention and foreign passport)'.

You can also call us. See our contact details

If a student is a citizen of a non-EU country and has a personal, valid passport, the student's name, national security number, place of birth and nationality together with the school's stamp and the signature of the school principal are required. This list – which functions as a visa – does not need to be certified by the Danish Immigration Service or any other authority. The student must bring his or her passport on the trip.

 If a student does not have a personal, valid passport, the list can also be used as a passport. This is done as follows:

  1. The school travel list is filled in with a pen and clearly - without corrections - stating the student's name, CPR number, country of birth and is provided with a passport photo of the student that meets the requirements for a passport photo. The passport photo is attached to the school travel list.
  2. The school head fills in the school travel list boxes with the school's name, address, destination, travel dates and the names of the accompanying teachers and certifies with his signature and the school's stamps that the information provided is correct.
  3. The school trip list is sent in a copy for prior approval at the Danish Immigration Service. The school trip list is scanned and sent via the contact form at nyidanmark.dk. Select the topic 'Passport (convention and foreign passport)'.
  4. When the school travel list has been pre-approved by the Danish Immigration Service, the original school travel list is submitted to the Danish Immigration Service for attestation. See the section 'Attestation of school travel lists' below.
  5. After returning home, the school trip list must be submitted to the Danish Immigration Service.


School travel lists, which must be certified, are submitted to the Danish Immigration Service at the address:

Farimagsvej 51A
4700 Næstved

The Immigration Service returns the school travel list to the school after the attestation. Expect a expedition time of around 30 days.

When travelling to Cypres and Ireland, which are members of the EU, but not part of the Schengen area, students must be listed on the school travel list and the list must be certified by the Immigration Service regardless of whether the student is in possession of a personal, valid passport.